Learning to organize my work at my new job

Posted on Wed 21 June 2023 in Organization

As a kid, my sister kept drilling into me that I needed to learn skills to cope with my ADHD. It was an annoying thing to keep hearing, mostly because I did not know what she was talking about. It was only later on that I realized that there exists techniques for someone with executive function disorder to get by in a 9-5 workplace somehow.

The allure of organizing your work

I gave a talk at BSides San Francisco a few months ago, specifically highlighting non-technical skills and how we can use that to navigate corporate security in an engineering-like approach. Later on I realized how much importance I placed on non-technical skills in that talk, and how useful those skills are for most, if not all jobs in Information Security.

The gist of what I said in the talk

  1. Identify your stakeholders
  2. Set up your branding
  3. Practice your messaaging
  4. Expand your network
  5. Keep track of your stakeholders with technology
  6. Find and write good documentation
  7. Communicate effectively and thoughtfully with your stakeholders
  8. Just keep doing a good job at this point

A recording of said talk

Lost in Space: Navigating Corporate Security as an Engineer

Perhaps next time I can share some tips and tricks, but for now I'll keep a few tricks up my sleeve.